
Archive for the ‘Solar Return Cases’ Category


Case 1

Saturn in 8th house trines Pluto in 4th by 1 degree. My grandfather (4th house) died (Saturn in 8th house) during that year. His death was so sudden (Saturn and Pluto both sextiles Uranus in Aquarius) that it left me unable to cry even at the funeral. The loss is tremendous yet his existence never ceases to fade in my memory.  He’s still watching over me : )

From this assume Saturn in 8th house (which is normally linked to death) aspects Pluto will trigger the death/transformation/A CHANGE at least in the matters that the house denote.

[Saturn also opposed Mars in Libra (2nd house) but I don’t remember what event was linked to this]

MY MOM has the same configuration!

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The Moon in the Solar Return

The Moon shows every day activity. In Fire Signs, it’s very active, social, and possibly temperamental and confrontational. In Earth, there are practical and material concerns. Financial affairs are important, and need to be worked on and balanced. Emotions are strong, but quiet and introverted. In Air, communications and social activities, learning and cooler, detached emotions prevail. Energy levels are fairly good. In Water Signs, it’s an emotional year, with family and relationship concerns and low energy.

The Moon sign signifies people with the qualities of that sign in your life. The Moon’s aspects, if strong and numerous, can cause emotional and health tensions, and a very active daily routine. If there are few aspects, life is more relaxed and slower, and you will have time to catch your breath. SR Moon above the horizon, your concerns are mostly focused on career and social connections. Below the horizon, the year involves subconscious personal problems.

Conjunct the MC, it is an indication of career changes and changes in personal goals. Conjunct the IC, family and emotional security issues are sharply highlighted. On the Ascendant, physical health and attitudes toward others are changeable, whereas on the Descendant it indicates long term relationships, legal partnerships or marriage undergoing change.

His SR for 2009-2010: Moon in Gemini conjunct Descendant, extiles Venus in 4th house. Venus trines Ascendant.

With moon in Gemini, his feelings will be more cooler, detached. Obviously more social gatherings and with natal Venus in Aquarius, those will be more reassured.

No planets in 5th or 7th house.

Natal chart on SR chart: Chiron conjuncts Descendant. Oops, I did have experience with chiron and I don’t want it to touch any core axis at all. Hopefully he will be healed as fast as he is wounded regarding relationship matter.

Natal Moon and Mars in 5th house: More activites/emotions concerning creativity, leasure, romance etc.

Natal Descendant touches SR MC?: Personal relationships are tied with personal goals/career change?

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